Trench Lyric

The doctors tell me I need this. / The sonnet will tell me I need it. / And you see me with a mug, / a glass, at work,… More

My Penal Vacation

"I caught the elderly lady looking toward the bus stop a few times, probably disappointed at the loss of a customer. Count your blessings lady, I think to myself.… More

The Named and the Nameless

"I had never known Vince very well. He was of my father's generation, and during the sixties and seventies that was reason enough for me to maintain a respectful… More

Limp Gray Fur

"I am neurotically productive, reading, studying, writing, exercising – doing something at all times, anything except nothing." More


"Purple mountains rise in the distance, / Disrupted by coils of razor wire / Freedom only time can purchase / Brought here, branded a liar." More

The Storm

"Like the clouds are killing each other: / Battleships, anvils, Jesus Christ. / Blind with awe, I cannot sleep, / Beholding worlds within worlds, afire." More