May Featured Case: Ahmed Naji

This month, PEN features the case of 2016 PEN/Barbey Freedom to Write Award winner Ahmed Naji, whose case is emblematic of the widening and escalating crackdown on free expression… More

Free Expression Daily Digest: Fri., May 13

Ethiopian journalist on declining press freedom in his country, Sudanese journalist held without charges, U.S. envoy targets Egypt at U.N. over crackdown, and more More

Free Expression Daily Digest: Thurs., May 12

China sentences man to seven years in jail for watching 'sensitive' film, Hungary journalists build new site after controversy, Migrant deal in question as Turkey refuses terror law change. More

Free Expression Daily Digest: Tues., May 10

LuxLeaks prosecutors seek jail term of 18 months for whistleblowers, Media insiders in Jordan call for 'constitutionalizing' access to information, Scribes protest in Delhi over press freedom issues in… More

Free Expression Daily Digest: Thurs., May 5

Egyptian journalists increase protest of government crackdown, Cambodian center launches social media campaigns for press freedom, Tanzania: Isles Journalists Urged to Remain Impartial, Boost Greater Unity. More