DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Justice Dept. Inspector General launches probe into FBI's handling of Clinton emails, prompting the President-elect to slam his former rival on Twitter as "guilty as hell." Secretary of State-designate… More

January Featured Cases: Writers Under Threat in Turkey

In a small initial victory for free expression, prominent writer and journalist Asli Erdoğan and distinguished translator Necmiye Alpay were granted a provisional release from detention after spending more… More

December Featured Cases: Creative Artists At Risk

Throughout the past year, disturbing violations of the right to create, access, and enjoy the arts have occurred across the globe. Dozens of creative artists are currently serving prison… More

President Xi: No More Silence

PEN International condemns the Chinese authorities' sustained and increasing attack on free expression and calls for an immediate end to China’s worsening crackdown on fundamental human rights.rnrn More