Banned Books Week promotes, protects freedom

For the first time, participants in Banned Books Week this year can take part in a worldwide demonstration of the virtues of their favorite censored literature. Launched in 1982… More

Beijing Bars Writers From a Literary Celebration

For Chinese authors who join the international writers’ organization PEN, membership would appear to have very few privileges. Many of its members are subjected to frequent harassment; four of… More

Will Obama honor brave forgotten heroes?

How many Americans remember Sgt. Joseph Darby, the soldier, who while serving in Iraq, revealed photographs showing other members of his company torturing prisoners at Abu Ghraib? As a… More

Unsung Heroes

A small gesture can mean a lot. That is the simple but compelling idea animating a drive to gain official honors for the patriots, both civilian and in uniform,… More

Dear President Obama

Arguing that the United States owes a public debt to those who refused to support or participate in torture, PEN American Center has joined with nine other leading human… More