Search Results for: Translation

Eva Gasteazoro

Eva Gasteazoro is a writer and performance artist, translator, and teacher, originally from Nicaragua. She has lived in New York City since 1983. Her theater work has been produced internationally and throughout… More

Edem Awumey

Edem Awumey, known to many simply as Edem, lives in Gatineau, a city in western Quebec. Born in Lomé, capital of Togo, he published his first novel, Port-Mélo, in 2006. The… More


The next time you are with a girl, it feels like the house you grew up in except all the doors have moved. You know what’s inside but you… More

Battles, Recollections, Etc.

And a woman who finds herself in the eye of the storm—what does she do? Forced to decide between complicity and armed opposition, between slavery and life, what does… More

Omar Berrada

Omar Berrada directs Dar al-Ma’mûn, a library and residency for artists, writers, and translators in Marrakech. Previously, he hosted shows on French national radio, organized public programs at the Centre Pompidou, and… More