Search Results for: Egypt

Chinese writer Liao opts for exile in Germany

Chinese writer Liao Yiwu has gone into exile in Germany, saying Chinese authorities have forbidden him from publishing. Liao, 52, first came to prominence with a poem against China's… More

Silent Chatter

John woke one rainy morning and discovered the writing in the floor. When his bare feet touched the cold concrete, he looked down to locate his slippers and… More

Blue on Blue

A week in Washington.The American soldiers killed in Iraq will one day have a memorial on the Mall in Washington DC like the soldiers killed in the Vietnam War.… More

Mightier Than the Sword

Liao Yiwu hasn't been arrested—yet. But the Chinese writer and musician, who served prison time in the 1990s for his work, is currently facing a variety of Chinese censorship… More

PEN Appeal: Michael Nabil Sanad

April 22, 2011 Major-General Ahmed Abd Allah Director of Military Judiciary Military Judicial Department Cairo Egypt Fax: +202 2 402 4468 Major-General Medhat Radwan Military General Attorney Military Judicial Department Cairo Egypt Fax: +202 2 412 0980 His Excellency Muhammad… More


Harmen Gerbens the Cairo Dutchman rests now in the briefcase above my seat—a name and a history, chronologically the first on the list, without my knowing at the time… More