Featured Honorees

PEN America Literary Awards honorees have produced some of the most exceptional literary works of the past 50 years. Read interviews with or excerpts of work by featured authors and translators below. 

Ulf Stolterfoht: Lingos I-IX

(8) beautiful like: latent snap decayward —because abstract. horrible like the deathscreams of hedgehogs as they fade intothe night. that’s what the new poetryis like. there was a time when… More

The Clean House

CHARACTERSLane: A doctor, a woman in her early fifties. She wears white.Matilde: Lane’s cleaning lady, a woman in her late twenties. She wears black. She is Brazilian. She has… More

Conversations in Tusculum

Tusculum, a town in the Alban Hills, fifteen miles southeast of Rome, is home to many country villas owned by wealthy and politically well-connected Romans. More

How She Penetrates

According to family lore, there was a great bonfire in which all of Jane’s possessions perished. Her journals, her clothes, her scrapbooks, her books, her typewriter, her school papers,… More


“Only a part of what is perceived comes through the senses from the object; the remainder always comes from within.”—Matthew Luckiesh, Visual Illusions CAST OF CHARACTERSDarius Wheeler, a dealer… More

Rereading Saul Bellow

[2000] The Adventures of Augie March (1953) The transformation of the novelist who published Dangling Man in 1944 and The Victim in 1947 into the novelist who published The Adventures… More

Season of Ice

1In the beginning there was snow. Torrents of tiny flakes blew in off the lake, pricked my skin before they melted on my hands and face and tongue. I… More

Cut off the Ears of Winter

Cut Off the Ears of WinterCut off the ears of winterthey have overheard too much,where incinerators burn,where rubble-strewn streetsare covered in dust from the remodeling.Again, the doe-man in mauve… More

From Real Karaoke People

Summer evenings around a picnic table metropolis’d with food and condiments, the man’s fingers sweep the moon from his wife’s black mane, humming of lovers in an oarless boat on the East Sea… More