About PEN America

What is PEN America?

What does PEN America do?

When was PEN America founded?

What does PEN stand for in PEN America?

What is PEN International?

Who Is President of PEN America?

How can I receive news about PEN America?

Where are PEN America’s offices?

Who can attend PEN America events?

How Many Members Are in PEN America?

Who Are Some Notable Writers Associated with PEN America?

What Awards Does PEN America Give Out?

Is PEN America Just for Writers?

Supporting PEN America

How can I donate to PEN America?

Is my contribution to PEN America tax-deductible?

In what other ways can I make contributions to PEN America?

How can my company or organization contribute to PEN America?


Are my Membership dues tax-deductible?

What are the benefits of PEN America membership?

I’m a Member of PEN America and have a friend who would also like to become a Member. What should I do?

I’m trying to contact a writer who is a Member of PEN America. Can you give me his or her contact information?


My online transaction did not go through, or gave me an error message. What do I do?

I have discovered an error or other issue on your website. Who do I contact?


Does PEN America offer financial assistance to its Members or other writers?

Can PEN America help me find an agent or get published?

Does PEN America offer grants or awards to unpublished writers?

I applied for a PEN America grant or award but was not one of the recipients. Can you give me feedback on my project?

I need legal assistance with regard to my literary work. Can PEN America help?


How can I get involved in PEN America’s advocacy initiatives?

What can I do to bring PEN America to my community?

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