
What if Madness is nothing more than a pawn assigned to particularly susceptible individuals by an infinitely corrupt and evil shot-caller? What might one discover if he could see… More


Prisoners like to talk about the conditions in other prisons, as if the comparison might improve their mood, or give them another reason to voice a complaint. So when… More

Hero of the Quotidian

It was in the golden, grasshopper-drenched spring of my eighth year that I first purposed to become a police officer, when I watched the grim-faced deputies arrest and carry… More

The Glove Compartment

For everyone in else in my family, the realization came gradually: a gesture here, a phrase there eventually added up to what they had seen all along but had… More


A spat between two cellies, It helps break post lockdown monotony, The boredom created when locked in a cage, A tiny cage for night's remainder. More

Dog Flips Burgers

Too politically correct to chase cats / Listens to classical music on PBS / Supports union demands / Burns paw on grill / Swats another fly More


In the confusion/ of the thunderstorm/ they broke out, sliced/ their hands to ribbons/ on the razor wire/ because they had to More


UntitledI wrestle with my morning coffeeshuffling pagesin a trancelike state ofnewspaper consciousness.Bomblast leaves fourteen dead in Mombasa:or was in eighteen? two Isrealis for sureThe Kenyans existin a faded one-liner.West… More

No Moon

No MoonI was afraid this wouldhappen the way the nightlooks with no moonThe way the wind whistlesoff the back porchYou want to love meHow can I tell youI have… More