Occupy Lincoln Center

Lincoln Center was on lockdown last night after the New York Police Department erected heavy metal barricades all around the Center, even blocking off its small side entrances. Lincoln… More

Rilke Shake

gertrude stein has an ass out to there gertrude / stein and when she gets out there she makes a great noise as / though someone dragged a wet… More

PEN Appeal: Rafiq Tagi

November 28, 2011 President Ilham Aliyev Office of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic 19 Istiqlaliyyat Street Baku AZ1066 Azerbaijan Fax: + 994 12 492 0625 Minister of Internal Affairs Lt.-Gen. Ramil Usubov Ministry of Internal Affairs Husu Hajiyev… More


My mother mapped out scenarios, calculating the reach of the radioactive fallout if the blast hit Kansas City, say, or Washington. She drew ominous red circles in our Rand-McNally… More

PEN Appeal: Ales Bialiatski

November 28, 2011 President of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandr G. Lukashenko Karl Marx Str. 38 220016 g. Minsk Belarus Fax: + 375 172 26 06 10 or +375 172 22 38 72 Your Excellency, On behalf… More

Angina Days

Powdered milk from the firm of Harrison Bros., Chicago, / dried egg from Walker’s, Merrymaker & Co., of Kingstown, Alabama, / any flour left unconfiscated by the German camp… More

Remembering Daniel and Anna Keel

Sometime in the spring of 1997 I met my German publisher, Daniel Keel, for the first time. I was in Zürich for the publication of the German translation of… More