Free Expression Daily Digest: Thurs., Mar 24

Vietnam bloggers jailed for publishing anti-state articles, After 27 years, Nobel Panel condemns Rushdie death threats, Professors’ group says efforts to halt sexual harassment have stifled speech. More

Free Expression Digest: Wed. March 23

Turkish journalist faces prison over 'insulting' politicians, Indian reporter arrested after posting criticism of police, Blogger gets jail term in Singapore for posts said to incite ethnic hatred. More

Two Poems by Kate Colby

In hindsight, everything is an omen of everything // that comes after it, regardless of cause. / Or regardmore. There, I’ve coined it. // Everything has been coined at… More

Free Expression Daily Digest: Tues., Mar 22

Free Expression Daily Digest: Tues., Mar 22PEN's Free Expression Digest brings you a daily curated round-up of the most important free expression-related stories from around the web. Subscribe here.… More

The Book Report: Abeer Hoque

I’ve been trying to diversify my reading list for years now by picking books by women, authors of colour, translated works, works from countries not usually represented in the… More

Free Expression Digest: Mon. March 21

Azerbaijan leader pardons 148 prisoners, including activists, Former managing director of a British soccer club acquitted in Dubai tweet case, Cuba arrests dozens of human rights protesters before Obama's… More

Turkey: Imprisoned Academics Must be Released

PEN condemns the latest attack on free expression in Turkey as three academics who signed a peace petition in January 2016 were yesterday imprisoned by an Istanbul court on… More