Open letter to South Carolina legislators
To South Carolina’s legislators,
We, the undersigned advocacy organizations, publishers, and authors, are writing with grave concern about proposed regulations that will lead to the removal of books and literature across South Carolina’s public schools. As expressed by students, parents, educators, librarians, and experts on free expression, these proposed regulations pose a threat to the freedom to read, to the detriment of students across South Carolina.
We are writing to urge South Carolina’s legislative body to halt Regulations 43-170 which are slated to go into effect on June 25th unless the General Assembly amends the Sine Die resolution to include language that tolls the period of review for state agency regulations. The proposed regulations will impose a “two-part test to evaluate if materials are age and developmentally appropriate, and if they are educationally suitable and aligned with the state’s instructional program.” These regulations also added an additional appeal process to the State Board of Education whose decisions will affect all school districts across the state.
Our concerns raised in this letter are two-fold. First, if the regulations are enacted, this statewide policy mandates that any instructional materials that contain descriptions of “sexual conduct” will not be considered “‘age and developmentally appropriate’ for any age” through grade 12. This is alarming as we have witnessed how similar language applied in states like Iowa has resulted in mass book bans affecting classics, 20th-century masterpieces, books used in AP courses, and contemporary Young Adult novels.
Authors, librarians, and educators already have sensible systems in place that ensure students have access to a range of age- and developmentally-appropriate materials in public school libraries. Adding government-mandated “tests” for age appropriateness will only chill speech and restrict access to literature for students across South Carolina.
Second, these regulations will efficiently eradicate an already narrow space for education in public schools regarding sexual violence, abuse, and consent. To make books with “sexual conduct” unavailable for all students—when districts serve students who range in age from 5 to 18—is to cut off a lifeline and put students at further risk.
Experts on sexual violence and abuse have repeatedly reported on the values of young people’s access to literature that introduces these issues. By learning about the signs of abuse and what consent means, young people are more likely to know how to speak up in harmful situations, reach out for help, or be able to recognize past instances of abuse they have experienced.
Over 100 books have been banned in South Carolina schools since 2021, a number bound to increase should these regulations come into effect. Librarians and educators are already well-placed to curate libraries, as they have done in South Carolina for decades, making additional “tests” an unnecessary government mandate.
As signatories of this letter, we represent a diverse group of experts and advocates working on supporting free expression, civil rights, and the rights of survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence. While some policy-makers have expressed their beliefs that this is a well-intentioned attempt to monitor books in schools, ultimately, these policies will do far more harm than good.
The freedom to read is the lifeblood of our democracy. Literature can open doors, hearts, and minds, helping prepare young people for the world they navigate. For these reasons, and more, we urge you to stop these regulations from moving forward.
Young people deserve access to literature, the same as they have had for years. Books aren’t harmful – censorship is.
Author Signatories
Aarene Storms | Abbigail Ealer | Ace Tilton Ratcliff | Adam B. Ford | Adam Gaylord | Adam Gidwitz | Adam Rex | Adele Griffin | Adrianna Cuevas | Alan Gratz | Alechia Dow | Alex London | Alex Richards | Ali Terese | Alicia J. Novo | Alison Cherry | Alliah L. Agostini | Ally Russell | Amanda Foody | Amanda Jones | Amitha Jagannath Knight | Amy C Rea | Amy Makechnie | Amy Ratcliffe | Amy Rebecca Tan | Andrea Lynn Jacobsen | Angel Luis Colon | Angel Osiruphu-El | Angela Yeh | Angie Isaacs | Anne Marie Pace | Anne Ursu | Anne Wynter | Annie Silvestro | Art Coulson | Ashley Poston | Audrey Vernick | Ausma Zehanat Khan | Barbara Howe | Barbara O’Connor | Barbara Shoup | Barry Lyga | Bethanie Murguia | Bethany Brookshire | Bev Katz Rosenbaum | Blythe Russo | Bo Lu | Bobbie Pyron | Breanna Carzoo | Brenda Rufener | Brian Katcher | Brian Selznick | Briana James | Brittney Morris | Brooke Boyd | Brooke Mikkelsen | Caera Thornton | Calla Devlin | Camille Baker | Carey Blankenship-Kramer | Carly Tuma | Cat Winters | Cathy Pegau | Cece Bell | Chamisa Kellogg | Charlie Jane Anders | Cheryl Blackford | Cheryl Rainfield | Christina Cooke | Christina Soontornvat | Christine Evans | Christopher Farnsworth | Christopher Healy | Christy Mandin | Chuck Wendig | Constance Lombardo | Cory Putman Oakes | Cristina Deptula | Crystal Maldonado | Cynthia Grady | Cynthia Levinson | D.L. Lang | Dahlia Adler | Dan Gemeinhart | Dan Richards | Dana Mele | Daniel Farber Huang | Daniel Handler | Daria Peoples | Darlene Beck Jacobson | David DeGrand | David Habben | David Levithan | Debbi Michiko Florence | Debbie Vilardi | Deborah Freedman | Deborah Heiligman | Derek Milman | Destiny Soria | Dhonielle Clayton | Diane Zahler | Dinah Johnson | Dominique Dickey | Don Martin | Dori Hillestad Butler | Dorothy H. Price | E. B. Goodale | E.M. Anderson | Ebony Lynn Mudd | Edward Underhill | Eija Sumner | Eileen Heyes | Elana K. Arnold | Elizabeth Acevedo | Elizabeth Brown | Elizabeth Eulberg | Ellen Hopkins | Ellen Oh | Ellen Weinstein | Emily Whitman | Emma Straub | Emmy Laybourne | Erica Lorraine Webb | Evan Griffith | Gabriella Gamez | Gareth Hinds | Gayle Forman | Greg Howard | Gwendolyn Clare | Gwynne Garfinkle | Hans Lindahl | I W Gregorio | Ian Hoffman | Ian Tseng | Isabel Quintero | Isabella Kung | Ismée Williams | J.D. Buffington | Jacky Davis Soman | Jacob Grant | Jae Foxglove | James Klise | Jamie Michalak | Jan Willer, Ph.D. | Janae Marks | Jandy Nelson | Janet Fox | Jas Hammonds | Jaye Winmilawe | Jaymie Heilman | Jeanne Bowman | Jenn Reese | Jennie Englund | Jennifer Chen | Jennifer Nissley | Jennifer Thorne | Jennifer Torres | Jennifer Vose | Jesse White | Jessica Day George | Jessica Khoury | Jessica Spotswood | Jessica Vitalis | Jessica Young | Jill A. Smith | Jill Twiss | Jo Brenner | Jo Hackl | Jo Whittemore | Jo Wu | JoAnn Early Macken | Joanna Ho | Joanne Rossmassler Fritz | Jodi Picoult | Jody Sollazzo | Joëlle Retener | John Odell | Jordan Sonnenblick | Joseph Lezza | Josh Funk | Joy McCullough | Joyce Sidman | Judi Moreillon | Julie Dao | Julie Swanson | Justin Weinberger | Justina Chen | Justine Pucella Winans | Kara Hartz | Kara LaReau | Karen Krossing | Karina Yan Glaser | Kate Fussner | Katelyn Zolman | Katherine Giuffre | Katherine Laliberte | Katherine Paterson | Kathy Halsey | Katie L. Carroll | Katryn Bury | Kayla Cagan | KB Brookins | Keely Partack | Kelly Farmer | Kelly Jones | Kelly Starling-Lyons | Kellye Crocker | Kevin D. Cordi | Kim Turrisi | Kimberly Harrington | Kip Wilson | Kirk Reedstrom | Kristin O’Donnell Tubb | Kristy Caldwell | L. E. Carmichael | Landra Jennings | Laura Anne Bird | Laura Atkins | Laura Gao | Laura Ruby | Laura Rueckert | Lauren Parker | Lauren Yero | Laurie Calkhoven | LeUyen Pham | Lexcyi Dean | Lindsay H. Metcalf | Lindsay Leslie | Lindsey Lane | Lisa McMann | Lisa Ramee | Lisa Robinson | Lisa Rogers | Lisa Stringfellow | Livia Blackburne | Liz Garton Scanlon | Lori Alexander | Lori R Snyder | Lorien Lawrence | Louise Hawes | Lucas Klauss | Lyn Miller-Lachmann | M.T. Khan | Mackenzi Lee | Maggie Tokuda-Hall | Malia Maunakea | Malinda Lo | Marc Tyler Nobleman | Mareth Griffith | Mari Clements | Mari Richards | Maria E. Andreu | Marie Myung-Ok Lee | Marie Vibbert | Marieke Nijkamp | MariNaomi | Martha Brockenbrough | Martha Freeman | Mary Mollo | Matt McMann | Matthue Roth | Maya Prasad | Meg Medina | Megan Abbott | Megan Bannen | Megan Ray Durkin | Melanie Ellsworth | Melissa Coffey | Melissa Roske | Melody Simpson | Meredith Steiner | Michael Leali | Mike Jung | Mindy McGinnis | Mindy Weisberger | Misa Sugiura | Molly Beth Griffin | Molly Idle | Monica Wesolowska | Monty Harper | Nadia Salomon | Naseem Jamnia | Natalie Standiford | Natalka Burian | Natasha Tripplett | Nero Villagallos O’Reilly | Nicholas Kaufmann | Nicole Chen | Nidhi Chanani | Nikki Grimes | Nikki Shannon Smith | Nino Cipri | Padma Venkatraman | Pam Munoz Ryan | Pamela S. Turner | Patricia Daniels | Patricia Hruby Powell | Peter Parnell | Peternelle van Arsdale | Phil Stamper | Preeti Chhibber | Rachel Elliott | Rachel Lyon | Randee Dawn Kestenbaum | Randy Ribay | Rebecca Stead | Rian N. Jenkins | Rina Heisel | Rob Costello | Rob Renzetti | Robert Liu-Trujillo | Robin Newman | Robin Stevenson | Rosiee Thor | Ruby Lang/Opal Wei | Ruchira Gupta | Ruta Sepetys | Ryan C Bradley | Ryan Estrada | Salima Alikhan | Sally Sultzman | Samantha M Clark | Sami Ellis | Samira Ahmed | Sara Dittoe Barrett | Sara Ryan | Sarah Adler | Sarah Aronson | Sarah Darer Littman | Sarah MacLean | Sarah Ruiz-Grossman | Sarah Weinman | Saundra Mitchell | Sayantani DasGupta | Scarlett Gale | Seabrook Reed | Sean Preston Duncan | Serena Allen | Shauna Robinson | Shawn Peters | Shelly Brown | Shing Yin Khor | Sidney Hargrave | Simon Han | Sonja Thomas | Sophie Diao | Sophie Jordan | Steph Lau | Stephanie Perkins | Stephanie V.W. Lucianovic | Steve Sheinkin | Susan Johnston Taylor | Susan Kuklin | Susan Tan | Susanna Reich | Susanne Pari | Suzanne Morgan Williams | Suzanne Williams | Tameka Fryer Brown | Tanya Konerman | Tara Karr Roberts | Tashie Bhuiyan | Terry J. Benton-Walker | Tiffany Golden | Todd Mitchell | Tony Piedra | Tracey Baptiste | Tracey Daniels | Traci Sorell | Trudi Trueit | Tui Sutherland | Ty Chapman | V Park Anderson | Valerie Bolling | Van Hoang | Varian Johnson | Veronica Roth | Vicky Fang | Victor Catano | W. Matthew Shipman | Wade Hudson | Wendy Tokuda | Yasmín Ramírez | Zetta Elliott |
Organizational Signatories

Publisher Signatories