
She has, I presume, told him about me: the first heart she broke (or perhaps it was the other way around). It would be different if I was alone… More

The Messenger

When I saw her she was dressed in a shimmering red sari as though she had been wedded that very day. The whole street was glowing because of her.… More

You and Your Partner…

You tell your neighbor that your friend, whom he has met, is babysitting. He says, no, it’s not him. He’s met your friend and this isn’t that nice young… More

Love Me Back

At ten a.m. I hadn’t come down even after smoking a joint and taking five sleeping pills. In the mirror I had no iris, I was all hole, falling… More


The people of Liberty Township wove her into cautionary tales of the wages of sin and travel. They called her buck-crazy. Howling, half-naked mad. The fact that she had… More


Boaz understood that while he respected Eva’s utter ease with herself—the woman had lost her entire family at an even younger age than Boaz but refused to act like… More


Maybe we should all breathe out tonight as a squad. Get drunk off Listerine and deal with this shit. But I don’t want to pull that trigger unless I… More

The Impossible Fairy Tale

The Impossible Fairy Tale is the first novel by one of South Korea’s most promising young writers. In Hong’s pitch-perfect, limpid translation, this meta-fictional story of two small girls,… More