Suheir Hammad: also libya

also libyano one tells youif anyone does you do not listen anywayif you do still you do not understandno one tells you how to be freethere is fire in… More

Voice from Beyond the Grave

Voice from Beyond the GraveHere lie my mortal remainsIn the field of eternal restThe last stop of a transient life with multiple destiniesThe clay covers my icy dead bodyThe… More

Four Selected Poems

Four Selected Poems1. To A FriendWe ever drank the same water in Yong RiverAnd became crazy youth in campus one after another.We will meet as firmly as a rock… More


Reinstatement of the RoseIt’s time to reinstate the rose,banned too long for its multiple meanings.Without pseudonyms, the journalist has a nosefor his own noose. If only to adorn graves,It’s… More

It’s Time to Mow the Flowers

It’s Time to Mow the FlowersIt’s time to mow the flowers, don’t procrastinate. Fetch the sickles, come, don’t spare a single tulip in the fields. The meadows are in bloom: who has ever seen such… More

Notes on the Melody of Things

I. We are right at the start, do you see.As though before everything. Witha thousand and one dreams behind us andno act.II. I can imagine no knowledge holierthan this:that… More

Tikkun, Evening Prayer

Tikkun (Midnight Prayer)The Caesars who built the citiesdidn’t intend this kind of silencein which trees tear up the air’s shelter with their growthand the lazy moon journeys in the… More

Tomaz Salamun: Poems

From Otrok in Jelen and Morje.Translated from the Slovenian by Brian Henry and Tomaž Šalamun.FrontierBut you know, suffering also decaysand remains dust.The frontier is my living body.When a peasant… More

The First Novel

The First NovelBe my heroine, whispers the Novel to the Novelist.Love me and die for me! orders the Novel to the Novelist.Poetry, please lend me your blade, cries the… More