
I’ve been in other prisons surrounded by tall white walls. The outside views were always the same: sky and the tops of trees. More

darth vader

Vader’s Redemption

You know what I liked about that movie? More than the first one? It wasn’t the big reveal—but it was—big! It was the fact that Luke wasn’t mad that… More

Gun Show

I can see a day when we won’t have no more victims. I can see a day when we’ll have somethin’ like smart guns. No, not them fingerprint identification… More


600 Days of Silence

What I most like to talk about with Wilson is music. He has an extensive knowledge about all genres. I enjoy these conversations the most because they lift my… More

How to Kill Someone

You had no knowledge of receiving homes, group homes, incarceration, life on the streets, or the State as anything other than a beneficent social structure. I know because you… More