Sophocles in L.A.

Dramatis PersonaeSOPHOCLES, a playwrightSOCRATES, a philosopherA POLICEMANA FLYING ROBOT Inhabited by the Ghost of Søren KierkegaardCHORUS of Graduate Students SCENE: the outside of a small house in Carson, California.Enter SOPHOCLES from the house.SOPHOCLESI do… More

Getting Around to It

Setting: The interior of an apartment. Some clothing, a spoon, and several pens lie on the floor. Downstage left is a small table set with chess pieces in front… More

Healing Bin Laden

Two priests stand on the platform before an altar. SHERYL and DAVID are seated on the first row of pews. FATHER CARL: If anyone desires prayer and the laying… More

The Secret of Sky: Act III (Evening)

The Secret of Sky: Act III (Evening) CAST OF CHARACTERS The PRISONER A man in his early thirties—attractive but disheveled; dressed in a long-sleeved T-shirt, gray sweat pants, and (when not in… More

Walk Like a Man

Who’s Your Daddy? My birth mother’s name was Lula Mae. After her death my two sisters, three brothers, and I were taken in by various relatives. Melvin, the… More

The Ring

Adoption is a cold, sterile thing. No pomp. No ceremony. A child is born, a paper is signed, and lives are changed forever. Sixteen years ago, in police… More

A Fine, Fine Day

I It was too late for the Avenue so I headed downtown to the corner of Jones and Eddy. There, the sidewalk is stain’d with the lives of the… More

The Years In Between

The tall gray wall encircles fifty-five acres of land. Spired towers with narrow steel doors, loophole windows, and floodlights straddle the wall, like spines on a fearsome dragon. Rolling… More

Criminal Injustice

Many important lessons were taught by Hurricane Katrina, which demolished a large area along the gulf coast and killed more than one thousand people in Louisiana and Mississippi in… More