
Men’s faces always appear old to me. Most of the ones who visit the karaoke parlor are ageing, with wives and children at home. They were born in the… More

On Public Lives/Private Lives

Information Highway Songby Guram UrtkmelidzeI got lost on Information Highway,When I looked for a simple and unsophisticated my way! They did not tell us: Who are good fellas!When did I… More

On Public Lives/Private Lives

Weihnachten Was würdest Du machen, wenn Weihnachten wär'und kein Engel würde singen.Es gäbe auch keine Geschenke mehr,kein >Süsser-die-Glocken-nie-kIingen<.Im Fernsehen hätte der NachrichtensprecherWeihnachten glatt vergessen,Und niemand auf der ganzen Weltwürde Nürnberger… More

Public Lives/Private Lives

Village RumorsA few weeks ago, the phone rang at 11:45 p.m. in my home in Amsterdam. It was my friend Vincent, who’s been living in Sweden since he fled… More

Caridad Svich: Vestige

VestigeShelled in fearbeneath a pile of shellsI pretend I'm deadand wait for the gunfire to stop but it won'tnot herenot therea border's length awayeven the imitation of gunfireon playgrounds can… More

Public Lives/Private Lives

I spent my childhood in socialist Romania. In 1983 I learned that the two most dangerous objects in our household were my father's air-gun and his typewriter. A presidential… More

On Public Lives/Private Lives

No poseo nada: ni casa, ni auto, ni habitación, ni una cama. Vivo de paso y de prestado.I own nothing: no house, no car, no room, not even a… More