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Rakhim Esenov | Status: Deceased | Turkmenistan

Rakhim Esenov was charged in February 2004 with “inciting social, national, and religious hatred using the mass media,” which he has indicated refers to statements made by characters in… More

turkmenistan president Berdymukhamedov

Turkmenistan Discouraging Use of Word Coronavirus

UPDATE: This original statement was based on an erroneous article and misrepresented the scope of the government's censorship. It has been edited to reflect more recent information. PEN America… More

Charges Against Turkmen Writer Dropped

After having spent the large majority of the past two years in exile, novelist, historian, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty correspondent and 2006 PEN/Barbara Goldsmith Freedom to Write Award winner… More

The Land of Turkmenbashi

Of the fifteen states of the former Soviet empire, Turkmenistan, just north of Iran, is the one that has turned out to be a cruel blend of Kim Jong… More

In Surprise, PEN Honoree Attends Gala

A novelist from Turkmenistan whose books have been banned and who has been under house arrest for two years became the first writer in 20 years to personally accept… More

PEN/Barbara Goldsmith Freedom to Write Award Winners

PEN American Center today named Mohammed Benchicou, a newspaper publisher already in prison and facing 50 additional sentences for his newspaper’s independent reporting, and Rakhim Esenov, a novelist, historian,… More