Trial of Publisher Ragıp Zarakolu Postponed

Ragip Zarakolu is accused of spreading propaganda seen to support the banned Kurdish Worker’s Party (PKK), through his publication Mehmet Güler’s book, The KCK File/The Global State and Kurds… More

Writer and Human Rights Lawyer Detained

On December 24, 2009, human rights lawyer, writer and PEN Turkey member Muharrem Erbey was arrested in Diyabakir, southeastern Turkey. Two weeks later, he remains in prison awaiting trial. More

PEN, Publishers Decry Conviction of Ragip Zarakolu in Turkey

PEN American Center and the International Freedom to Publish Committee of the Association of American Publishers today denounced the “clearly wrongful” and “anachronistic and discouraging” conviction of Turkish publisher… More

Pamuk Prosecutor Arrested, Charged in Plot

Kemal Kerincsiz, the lawyer who tried to prosecute Orhan Pamuk, Hrant Dink, Elif Shafak, and several other writers for “insulting Turkishness,” has been arrested with 32 others following an… More

The Murder of Hrant Dink

ISTANBUL—"I feel like a pigeon," Hrant Dink wrote in his last article. "Like a pigeon I wander uneasily amidst this city, watching my back constantly, so timid and yet,… More