Sophocles in L.A.

Dramatis PersonaeSOPHOCLES, a playwrightSOCRATES, a philosopherA POLICEMANA FLYING ROBOT Inhabited by the Ghost of Søren KierkegaardCHORUS of Graduate Students SCENE: the outside of a small house in Carson, California.Enter SOPHOCLES from the house.SOPHOCLESI do… More

Getting Around to It

Setting: The interior of an apartment. Some clothing, a spoon, and several pens lie on the floor. Downstage left is a small table set with chess pieces in front… More

Healing Bin Laden

Two priests stand on the platform before an altar. SHERYL and DAVID are seated on the first row of pews. FATHER CARL: If anyone desires prayer and the laying… More

The Secret of Sky: Act III

SCENE: The Prisoner’s cell, near sunset. The sky, as viewed through the cell’s lone window, is a waning indigo blue. The cell itself softly glows with the coppery light… More

Tom & Gerry

TOM: (reminiscing) River Lethe, baby. The dreariest task was a silent epiphany. Slooow motion. Even something like laundry had a purpose and a passion—as part of the plan. It… More

The Meridian

It’s obvious she’s wrong. When the men reach them, the men will kill them both, who cares if they’re supposed to be able to. They’ve killed others. The Man… More

Little Sunshine

BETH: Dad storming around the house, demanding to know who let chickens into the house. (Mimicking her father as she takes the shaker from her mother) Chickens are food,… More


Crabtree shakes his hand at the two boys. Sound, dreadful, repeated thunk of two dead rabbits striking the window as they dangle from Crabtree’s hand. More