The High Desert Sessions

Time rather than education is the great leveler, Li. Eventually you’ll come around to my way of thinking, everyone will. You are definitely on the wrong side of history,… More

Midnight at the Manatee

Thirty-nine inches from tip to tip, / it must have weighed, I bet, almost forty pounds. / You teased me as we passed another angler, offering / to… More

Three Poems by Ryan Collins

The choice to / Vegetablize yourself is a choice only you can / Make, New American. After this conversation / Everything I tell you will be off book, black… More


Though it somehow felt unlikely that money would continue to operate in this way for the rest of my life, it was actually probably the most likely thing to… More

from The Waters

Black hail falls on your daughter’s wedding. / Every day the next day is the biggest exam of your life. / When you say “coffee” all people hear is… More

Six Poems by Fred Moten

his hair was like furry lining brushed and see-through and he was pale, his pinkness had a descent in it, like he had warmed down More

Dot Devota: Three Poems

Dot Devota reads three poems from MW: A Field Guide to the Midwest, a selection of which first appeared in the PEN Poetry Series. More

from MW: A Field Guide to the Midwest

What my parents were most silent about was what they hated more than anything. They were professionals afterall, and to be professional means keeping one’s mouth shut. When my… More