Going on the Record: Resistance and Writing

Focusing on the harrowing events at Guantánamo and on the courage of those in the military and intelligence services who created a written record of those events, this program… More

An Evening with McSweeney’s

McSweeney’s contributors read excerpts from their translations in McSweeney’s Issue 42—an ambitious experiment that took twelve stories through six phases of translation in a variety of languages, granting each… More

The Invisible Symposium

It is useful to remember that when you ride the subway, turn on the lights, brush your teeth, switch on your computer, dispose of your selected garbage, watch the… More

Burma: Bones Will Crow

Two of the Burma’s most esteemed poets, Zeyar Lynn and Khin Aung Aye, read from their work and discuss the country’s budding literary scene with the editor of Bones… More

Bravery in Poetry

PEN World Voices Festival teams up with The Poetry Society of America to present this thoughtful, elegantly staged evening of readings and dialogue on the importance of moral courage… More