How to Survive in Prison

Find out your boyfriend got married. Spend as much time in the yard as possible. Learn to fit in. Become someone’s girlfriend. Stop thinking about the outside world. Join… More

Hell’s Kitchen

Chapter 1 The sign was unmarred, the wide steel door gleaming proudly with a virgin layer of bright royal blue paint. It read: “No Hostages Will Be Permitted Through These… More

Essential Incarceration

At no time in the modern era has the concern over incarceration--its purpose and consequences--been so prevalent and urgent. This has been quite clear from the amount of legislative… More

August Picnic

It was a cloudy overcast morning and from my window I could see a clump of boats riding gently at their moorings. Below my window surrounded by angles of… More


On July 20th, 1985, a sunny Saturday afternoon in New Hampshire’s High Summer, with most of the inmates at the State Prison drawn by the perfect weather out into… More

Sweeter Than Sugar

You know, I find it quite remarkable today, at the age of 33, reflecting the long gone days of my tender adolescence. Time’s winged chariot takes me on fleeting… More

No Pain

“They who go - feel not the pain of parting; it is they who stay behind that suffer.”--Henry Wadsworth Longfellow “Michael Angelo”My eyes shot open and I instinctively braced myself for… More