The M Word Stories: Yusuf Siddiquee

You can relate to being unfairly singled out for having a different religion, culture...But more importantly, you are a part of a super diverse community that transcends the aforementioned… More

The M Word Stories: Safia Elhillo

I choose to be unapologetically Muslim, because I’m tired and bored of apologizing for things that I already am. And so, why stop? More

The M Word Stories: Rebecca Hankins

It’s been my goal to make people understand that Islam is extremely vast and diverse and, especially as an African-American Muslim woman, that our representation is important and that… More

The M Word Stories: Hussein Rashid

In America, people are always finding ways to try to silence things they don’t understand. Right now, it’s religion; before, it was race. More

The M Word Stories: ‎Bayan Abubakr‎

The number one weirdest question I get is do I shower with my hijab, and that's obviously reflective of the fact that I'm both Muslim and a woman. More

Wajahat Ali headshot

The M Word Stories: Wajahat Ali

If you aren’t writing your own story your story is always being written for you by others…It's imperative that people of good will and talent pick up the pen. More

The M Word Stories: Shannon Chakraborty

We are a part of human society like everyone else. We make up a quarter of the population. We have a wonderful history that expands over continents and languages. More