DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

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DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Want to receive this digest in your inbox? To subscribe, simply click here and choose DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression from the list. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, announcing… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Want to receive this digest in your inbox? To subscribe, simply click here and choose DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression from the list. Federal judge tosses Sarah Palin’s… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Want to receive this digest in your inbox? To subscribe, simply click here and choose DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression from the list. Senior White House aides increasingly… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

The first three days of the Trump presidency revealed expanding threats to free expression—as well as increasing efforts to protect it by people like you. As we brace for… More

The Murder of Mexico’s Free Press

A month before the Mexican photojournalist Rubén Espinosa was murdered in Mexico City in late July, the governor of Veracruz, the province Mr. Espinosa had fled fearing for his… More