
The Vietnamese government continues to quash dissent, with a particular focus on controlling the public’s access to social media and expanding the government’s ability to obtain access to personal… More

Pham Doan Trang | Status: Imprisoned | Vietnam

Pham Doan Trang is a Vietnamese writer, publisher, journalist, and  pro-democracy activist currently imprisoned in Vietnam due to her writings in support of human rights. More

Protesters at a human rights rally in Vietnam in April 2012

Viet Nam, Move Beyond Repression

We strongly urge the Vietnamese authorities to cease their crackdown on independent media and those who express dissent. More

Nguyn Huu Vinh and Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy

Nguyen Huu Vinh & Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy | Status: Released | Vietnam

On March 23, 2016, the People’s Court of Hanoi sentenced Nguyen Huu Vinh to five years in prison under Article 258 (2) of Vietnam’s Penal Code for “abusing democratic… More

Nguyen Quynh

Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh (Mother Mushroom) | Status: Displaced/In Exile | Vietnam

Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, better known as “Mother Mushroom,” is a prominent independent blogger, whose blog addresses social concerns in Vietnam. More