Memories of the Cowshed

We numbered more than a hundred, but not one of us dared breach the unwritten rule against holding our heads up, thereby inviting a well-aimed kick or heavy blow… More

PEN to Liu Xiaobo: You Are Not Forgotten

One year after the Nobel Committee awarded the Peace Prize to PEN Member Liu Xiaobo in absentia, PEN American Center called on U.S. Congress and the international community to… More

Liu Xiaobo’s Nobel: One Year Later

[caption id="attachment_6814" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Liu Xiaobo’s empty chair. Photo by Sarah Hoffman."][/caption] Today marks three years since Liu Xiaobo was detained and began an odyssey into China’s legal system, which… More

Day of the Imprisoned Writer

Today, PEN International will mark the 30th annual Day of the Imprisoned Writer, an international day of action intended to recognize and support writers who have resisted repression of… More

Day of the Imprisoned Writer

Today, PEN International will mark the 30th annual Day of the Imprisoned Writer, an international day of action intended to recognize and support writers who have resisted repression of… More

Liao Yiwu’s First U.S. Appearance

Liao Yiwu, author of The Corpse Walker and one of China’s “most exciting and most censored writers” is making his first U.S. appearance tomorrow night. In and of itself,… More