Onslaught on Free Expression Intensifies in Turkey

In the latest onslaught on free expression, the government of Turkey made international headlines this month when it again went head-to-head with internet sites Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Google… More

US satirists have been ‘de-fanged’

There cannot be an iron-clad rule that you cannot go “there”’, said Pulitzer Prize-winning artist and illustrator Art Spiegelman yesterday evening at the French Institute Alliance Francaise in New… More

French Satire Will Not Be Silenced

Suzanne Nossel, a Foreign Policy contributor and executive director of PEN American Center, an association of writers defending freedom of expression, said that editors in other countries have chosen… More

Writers Say They Feel Censored by Surveillance

A survey of writers around the world by the PEN American Center has found that a significant majority said they were deeply concerned with government surveillance, with many reporting… More