DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Public officials blocking constituents on social media are violating their First Amendment rights; Gawker effect chills controversial and investigative news coverage; Apple removes VPN apps, essential to bypassing censorship,… More

Free Expression Digest: Fri., April 22

Five journalists released from prison in Myanmar, Mauritanian blogger's death sentence upheld, New York City poll workers threaten journalist. More

Free Expression Daily Digest: Thurs., Mar 3

Free Expression Daily Digest: Thurs., Mar 3PEN's Free Expression Digest brings you a daily curated round-up of the most important free expression-related stories from around the web. Subscribe here.… More

Gates Sees Both Sides in Apple vs. FBI Ruckus

Microsoft founder Bill Gates on Tuesday attempted to clarify his position regarding Apple's conflict with the FBI, telling Bloomberg he was disappointed that his earlier comments had been construed… More