Nazli Ilicak

Nazlı Ilıcak | Status: Released | Turkey

Nazlı Ilıcak, a 72-year-old veteran journalist, former member of parliament, and avid supporter of democracy, was arrested as part of a crackdown following an attempted coup in July 2016.… More

Khosro Sadeghi Borojeni

Borojeni is a freelance columnist and writer who has focused on political and economic analysis, including COVID-19 mismanagement and critiques of neoliberalism. He was arrested in May 2019 and… More

Kea Sokun

Rapper Kea Sokun wrote the popular song “Dey Khmer,” in which his lyrics discuss the politics of Cambodia’s land ownership. On September 4, 2020, he was detained for incitement.… More

Uladzimir Liankevich

A project manager at PEN Belarus, Liankevich was detained at a peaceful protest in Minsk on September 8, 2020, after the election of Aleksander Lukashenka. He was sentenced during… More

Doddipalya Narasimha Murthy

In October 2019, police arrested Murthy on charges of treason and attempted murder based on allegations from 1994. This was believed to be because of his criticism of the… More

Nay Myo Lin

Authorities charged editor-in-chief of Voice of Myanmar Nay Myo Lin with a life sentence under an anti-terrorism law and shut down the news site after he published an interview… More

Sameh Haneen

On May 16, 2020, state security officers arrested Haneen, a freelance journalist and documentary producer, on charges of spreading false news, threatening national security, and joining a terrorist organization… More

Zahra Mohammadi

Zahra Mohammadi

Mohammadi was arrested in 2019 for teaching the Kurdish language and detained for seven months, including a period in solitary confinement. In February 2021, an appeals court upheld a… More

Emad Hajjaj

Hajjaj, a Jordanian-Palestinian cartoonist, was arrested by Jordanian authorities over a cartoon mocking the Israel–United Arab Emirates deal on August 26, 2020. On August 30, he was released on… More