Miguel Mendoza Urbina

A former sports journalist in Nicaragua, Miguel Mendoza Urbina began publishing his dissident political opinions on Twitter and Facebook where he has a significant following. On June 21, 2021,… More

Sithu Aung Myint

Columnist Sithu Aung Myint is among the writers and cultural figures who have been targeted after the February 2021 coup. He was arrested in August 2021 and held at… More

Wai Moe Naing Monywa Panda

A writer and member of PEN Myanmar, Wai Moe Naing rose to prominence as an anti-coup protest leader in Monywa for his role in organizing daily demonstrations. On April… More

Taoufik Bouachrine

Taoufik Bouachrine

The publisher of Akhbar al-Youm, Bouachrine is known for his editorials and columns criticizing the Moroccan government. He has been targeted in the past for his writing, and was… More

Soulaimane Raissouni

Columnist, documentary filmmaker, and former editor-in-chief of Akhbar al-Youm, Raissouni has been detained since 2020. He is serving a 5-year prison sentence for sexual assault—charges which human rights advocates… More

​​Aung Naing Myint Min Di Par

Novelist Aung Naing Myint, arrested in the past in connection to his writing, was detained on October 15, 2021 for allegedly being linked to the People's Defense Forces, the… More

Aye Ko

Aye Ko, a poet and state officer, was arrested on March 11, 2021 after posting letters and poems on Facebook concerning the coup. He was tried and sentenced in… More

Qasem Bahrami Sheyda Hamedani

Poet and musician Qasem Bahrami was detained in September 2021 on unknown charges, most likely due to his original poems and online readings of verses that criticize the government.… More

Toomaj Salehi

Toomaj Salehi

Rapper Toomaj was briefly arrested in September 2021. Denied legal representation, in January 2022 he was given a 6-month suspended sentence for “insulting leadership” and “propaganda.” He was arrested… More

Ermek Taichibekov

Initially detained in 2017 for pro-Russian comments online and released after serving less than 2 years of his sentence, online commentator Taichibekov was rearrested in September 2020. He was… More