Writers at Risk Database

Ai Weiwei

Ai has been beaten, detained, and harassed by the government for over 10 years. Previously subject to a travel ban, Ai left China in 2015 to focus his activism… More

Writers at Risk Database

Gao Yu

Gao Yu has been imprisoned three times for her dissident reporting, most recently in 2014, when she was sentenced to seven years for revealing state secrets. In November 2015,… More

Renata Carvalho

Carvalho faces police harassment, death and rape threats, and attempted physical attacks for acting in O Segundo Jesus, Rainha do Céu, a play that explores the multiplicity of trans… More

Natalia Mallo

Mallo faces police harassment, death and rape threats, and attempted physical attacks in Brazil for directing O Segundo Jesus, Rainha do Céu, a play that explores the multiplicity of… More