Ahed Tamimi

Tamimi, a Palestinian activist, is author of They Called Me a Lioness. In November 2023, she was arrested in the West Bank for incitement based on an Instagram post… More

Dalal Abu Amneh

Abu Amneh’s media team posted her words, “The Only Victor is God,” adding a Palestinian flag emoji, following the October 7th attack. After receiving threats towards her and her… More

Taymaz Afsari

Afsari is a poet and composer. He was arrested for “slogan writing” in a violent home raid on June 17, 2023. His electronics were confiscated and he was severely… More

Vafa Ahmadpour

Ahmadpour is a rapper whose work engages with political themes. On February 4, 2024, he turned himself in to the authorities after a year spent in hiding. He had… More

Jana Tsegla

Tsegla is a writer of fairy tales and the founder of Masquerade, a magazine for young Belarusian artists. In April 2023, she was detained and held in pre-trial detention… More

Habib Mousavi Bibilani

Bibilani is a poet who also wrote opinions online. He was summoned to the authorities in July 2023 and detained for 2 weeks on charges of “confusing the public… More

Isa Choulandim

Choulandim, an artist, writer, and activist, is known for his outspoken opposition to child marriage, which he advocates against through his art. He was arrested in a home raid… More

Natoli Derakhshan

Derakhshan is a Baha’i adherent and poet who has long publicly criticized the Iranian government’s treatment of the Baha’i people. In 2010, he was arrested for a letter to… More

Fatemeh Hasani

Hasani is a sociologist who wrote multiple academic articles and non-academic publications. She was arrested at Mashhad airport upon returning from a trip on July 6, 2023. Hasani, who… More

Mehdi Yarrahi

Songwriter Yarrahi was arrested in August 2023 for writing a song titled "Rosarito" (Your Headscarf), an anti-hijab and pro-women's rights song. He was charged with "propaganda," "corruption," and "publishing… More