Azamat Nuratdinov

Azamat Nuratdinov is an Uzbek blogger and reporter for El Khyzmetinde who was arrested in July 2022 and charged with inciting riots through distribution of propagandistic material. In January… More

Lolagul Kallykhanova

Kallykhanova is a columnist and owner of a news site Makan. She advocates for Karakalpak autonomy and is critical of the Uzbek central government. She disappeared in June 2022… More

Daniel Ghezeljai

An Iranian Turkman law student and poet, Ghezeljai was arrested for posting a poem in solidarity with Iranian women on November 16, 2022. He was facing charges of "belligerance,"… More

Karamollah Soleimani

Soleimani is a playwright, literary writer, and theater director. He was arrested on September 21, 2022 and taken to an unknown location for his support of the protests. He… More

Ali Bahrampour

A literary writer and translator, Bahrampour was arrested on November 3, 2022. After 78 days of detention he was released. He was sentenced to over 8 years in prison… More

Bayan Azizi

A Kurdish poet, writer and women's rights activist who has done extensive research on honor killings and domestic violence, Azizi was summoned to the Sanandaj Intelligence Department where she… More

Bakhtyar Kadirbergenov

An online commentator, Kadirbergenov was arrested in July 2022 and accused of participating in and organizing the Nukus riots. He was sentenced to seven years imprisonment in January 2023.… More

Thanapol Eawsakul

Thanapol is a co-founder and editor-in-chief of Same Sky Books, a political magazine and publisher of books on Thai politics and history. Police have harassed Thanapol and Same Sky… More

Lama Ghosheh

A journalist and online commentator, Ghosheh also worked as a researcher at the Palestinian Museum in Birzeit. She was arrested at her home in August 2022 after sharing social… More

Zarganar Maung Thura

On April 6, 2021, comedian Zarganar was arrested in a broader campaign against cultural figures following the 2021 military coup. He was released conditionally on October 18, 2021 after… More