Ihsane El Kadi

El Kadi is the director of the independent media outlets Radio M and Maghreb Emergent. In May 2022, he was convicted of "dissemination of false information to undermine national… More

Lazhari Labter

Labter, a journalist and publisher whose writing gained popularity during the Hirak protests, was arrested in his home on November 20, 2022. On November 28, he was released from… More

Keyvan Mohtadi

Mohtadi is a writer, translator, and labor activist. In recent years, his membership in the Iranian Writers’ Association and support of workers' rights have made him a target. On… More

Salim Al-Jabali

Al-Jabali ran a Facebook page called "Minister of Hypertension and Diabetes" in which he posted political opinions. He was detained for several Facebook posts in which he called the… More

Saud Al-Sarhan

A researcher and columnist whose published works include political commentary on Saudi political, economic, and social issues, Al-Sarhan went missing in October 2021 after writing an article that acknowledged… More

Malcolm Bidali Noah

Bidali is a Kenyan blogger and security guard who writes about migrant workers’ experiences in Qatar, where he lived for three years. On May 4, 2021, he was detained… More

Alaa Al-Mashrawi

Director of Al-Mashreq News, Alaa Al-Mashrawi is a vocal critic who writes opinion pieces and columns in solidarity with Palestinians. In 2020, he wrote an article calling for the… More

Taoufik Bouachrine

Taoufik Bouachrine

The publisher of Akhbar al-Youm, Bouachrine is known for his editorials and columns criticizing the Moroccan government. He has been targeted in the past for his writing, and was… More

Soulaimane Raissouni

Columnist, documentary filmmaker, and former editor-in-chief of Akhbar al-Youm, Raissouni has been detained since 2020. He is serving a 5-year prison sentence for sexual assault—charges which human rights advocates… More

Nasrullah Lashani

Lashani, a Kurdish freelance journalist and political commentator, was released early from prison in 2019 but was re-arrested in June 2020 while trying to cross into Türkiye from Iraq… More