Mona Borzouei

Borzouei was arrested and taken into state custody on September 28, 2022, a week after posting a video of herself reciting a poem in support of the Mahsa Amini… More

Mostafa Aleahmad

On July 8, 2022, Aleahmad was arrested alongside filmmaker Mohammad Rasoulof for “inciting unrest” and “disrupting the psychological safety of society.” He was released on bail after testing positive… More

Mozhgan Kavousi

Kurdish writer and documentary filmmaker Kavousi was arrested at her home on September 22, 2022, and spent at least 35 days in solitary confinement. She was tried for "corruption… More

Sadegh Zibakalam

Zibakalam, a professor at the University of Tehran, was summoned to court for "threatening national security" in April 2022. His trial began on July 26, 2022. He has since… More

Saman Seydi Yasin Saman Yasin

Kurdish rapper Yasin was abducted by security forces in October 2022 after releasing music supporting the Mahsa Amini protests. He was charged with "enmity against God,” a crime carrying… More

Samira Ebrahimi

Ebrahimi is a blogger who wrote online commentary in support of the Iranian protests. According to IWAC, she was arrested on December 11, 2022. She was beaten severely and… More

Sara Mottaghi

A poet and online commentator, Mottaghi was summoned to court after writing a piece favoring the preservation of a pre-Islamic Iranian celebration of Sepandarmazgan. She was charged with blasphemy… More

Hossein Ronaghi Maleki

In February 2022, blogger Ronaghi was disappeared and slapped with national security and propaganda charges. He was released from Evin prison in March. After a TV interview in September… More

Iman Behpasand

A columnist, essayist, and online commentator, Behpasand was arrested on September 22, 2022. Security officers raided his home in Tehran confiscating his mobile phone and laptop in the middle… More

Jafar Panahi

A prominent filmmaker, Panahi has long been subject to threats and his films banned. After a 2010 arrest with fellow filmmaker Mohammad Rasoulof, Panahi was sentenced to a six… More