Dauletmurat Tadzhimuratov

Tadzhimuratov allegedly organized a rally for Karakalpak autonomy in July 2022, leading to his detention. In January 2023, he was sentenced to 16 years imprisonment and ordered to pay… More

Fazilhoja Arifhojaev

Arifhojaev is a blogger who is well-known for criticizing the Uzbek government’s restrictive religious policies. He was arrested in July 2021, and sentenced in January 2022 to a four… More

Islom Kholboev

Kholboev is an Uzbek journalist living in exile in Türkiye. He took an active part in the formation of the Birlik people's movement and the Erk party in the… More

Mehmet Sahin

Sahin, a Kurdish columnist, has faced ongoing persecution since 2016, including job dismissal and lawsuits. In June 2022, Sahin was arrested along with 15 other Kurdish journalists in Diyarbakir… More

Azad Zal Mehmet Güngõmüs

A writer, former journalist, translator, and Kurdish-language teacher, Zal was released from prison in 2004 after spending 12 years in prison. He was arrested again on June 30, 2020… More

Kaan Göktas

Goktas is journalist and online commentator who writes on cybersecurity. He was sentenced to two years in prison in 2021 for sharing a poem by Ottoman poet Sunbulzade Vehi… More

Ender Imrek

A columnist and political party founder and leader, Imrek has been legally harassed and imprisoned multiple times throughout the years. He went on trial in October 2022 for insulting… More

Ergün Poyraz

A literary writer, Poyraz is best known for his controversial views on the ruling AKP party and the faith-based Gülen movement. He wrote a best seller titled "The Children… More

Khushruz Jumayev Khushom Gulyam

In March 2022, Jumayev—a Pamiri blogger—was detained and interrogated for unkown reasons. Two months later, he was arrested, detained, and eventually charged with “participation in banned political groups." In… More

Artem Kamardin

Kamardin is a poet belonging to the Kabardian ethnic minority in Russia. He was beaten and violently raped by Russian authorities in September 2022 for his poetry readings during… More