Writers at Risk Database

Ekrem Dumanli

The former editor-in-chief of the popular Turkish newspaper Zaman, Dumanli was arrested in December 2014 in a crackdown on journalists associated with the Gülenist movement. Although he was released… More

Writers at Risk Database

Ahmet Şık

Investigative reporter Şik was detained in 2011 for “spreading terrorist propaganda” in a book he wrote on the controversial Gülen movement. He was released a year later, but was… More

Ragıp Zarakolu

Zarakolu is a veteran free expression activist and publisher against book bans, resulting in a catalog of indictments against him dating back to the early 1970s. He has lived… More

İnan Altın Grup Yorum

Altın is a member of activist collective and band Grup Yorum. Since the band’s inception, its critical songs have angered the Turkish government and members have faced serious threats.… More

Writers at Risk Database

Necmiye Alpay

Alpay was detained following the 2016 coup attempt for her connection to pro-Kurdish daily Özgür Gündem. After four months in detention, she was conditionally released in December 2016. She… More

Ahmet Altan

Altan was detained after the 2016 coup attempt on spurious charges. After his life sentence was reduced to 10.5 years, he was released in 2019, but was promptly rearrested.… More

Writers at Risk Database

Mehmet Altan

In September 2016, authorities detained Altan and his brother Ahmet for allegedly giving subliminal messages "suggestive" of the July coup attempt during a television panel the night prior. Though… More

Writers at Risk Database

Ayşe Berktay

Alongside her literary career, Berktay is a staunch advocate for women’s and Kurdish rights. Initially sentenced in 2011 on terrorism charges after attending conferences on behalf of a pro-Kurdish… More

Writers at Risk Database

Çayan Demirel

Award-winning filmmaker Demirel was sentenced in 2019 to nearly 5 years in prison for “propagandizing for a terrorist organization” after screening Bakur, a film he co-directed with Ertuğrul Mavioğlu,… More

Writers at Risk Database

Hrant Dink

In January 2007, Dink was murdered in Istanbul by a 17-year-old Turkish nationalist with the help of police. Prior to his death, Dink was an outspoken critic of Türkiye’s… More