Emre Günsal

Comedian Günsal was arrested in Istanbul in April 2020 for content written for his stand-up show that allegedly insulted Türkiye's first president Kemal Atatürk and prominent figures in the… More

Hasan Basri Aydın

Writer and retired literature professor Hasan Basri Aydın has been imprisoned 27 times for his writing. He was detained at the airport in September 2020 on charges of insulting… More

Murat Ağırel

Columnist Ağırel was arrested and held in isolation in March 2020 over allegedly spreading national security secrets. An investigation was launched for “insults” in his book Sarmal, for which… More

Ömer Aslan Porçay

In 2018, popular satirist Aslan, known as Porçay on YouTube, was charged with encouraging the use of drugs for writing a satirical rap song, parodying another song. In February… More

Alnur Ilyashev

Detained in April 2020, Ilyashev was sentenced in June to three years of restricted freedom and a five year ban on political activism for Facebook posts criticizing the Kazakh… More

Ivan Safranov

Ivan Safronov

Investigative journalist Safronov was arrested in July 2020 for allegedly passing along classified information to Czech intelligence. He was held in pretrial detention for over two years. The charges… More

Ruslan Kulevich

Journalist and author Kulevich was brutally detained by police at a protest. He was beaten, both of his arms were broken, and he was sentenced to seven days in… More

Yury Stylski

In August 2020, Stylski, lyricist and leader of a black-listed band ‘Daj Dorogu,’ attended a peaceful rally in Brest with a loud-speaker and Belarusian flag. He was later detained… More

Alexander Pomidoroff

Alexander Pomidoroff

On September 19, 2020, Pomidoroff was detained after playing at a neighbors’ gathering in Minsk and was sentenced to eight days of administrative arrest. In November 2020, after being… More

Alexei Kuzmich

Alexei Kuzmich

On Election Day, August 9, 2020, Alexei Kuzmich gave a part of his performance “I Believe or the Philistine World of Political Animals” at a polling location. The next… More