Writers at Risk Database

Nguyen Chi Thien

A dissident writer and political activist, Thien spent a total of 27 years in prison between 1960 and 1991. While in prison, he composed over 400 poems, which were… More

Lê Chi Quang

Lê Chi Quang

Quang is a lawyer and computer teacher who has published several essays critical of the government. He was arrested in February 2002 after authorities monitored his computer use at… More

Do Nguyenn Mai Khoi

Do Nguyen Mai Khoi

Once hailed as the ‘Lady Gaga of Vietnam,’ Mai Khoi transformed her career from pop star to protest singer after speaking out against Vietnamese censorship in her music. As… More

Kamol Duangphasuk Mainueng K. Kunthee

In April 2014, the poet “Kunthee” was shot by assailants who approached his car in Northern Bangkok, then escaped by motorcycle. He died in hospital. The motive for his… More

Writers at Risk Database

Andy Hall

A UK national, labor activist, researcher, and writer Hall was tried in 2013 for both criminal and civil defamation for his investigative reports alleging abuse by National Fruit Company… More

Writers at Risk Database

Siraphop Kornaroot Rung Sila

Rung Sila was detained for writing a poem deemed offensive to the monarchy and faced 45 years in prison under the lèse-majesté law. Granted bail in 2019 after nearly… More

Thiagarajah Selvanithy Selvi

Selvanithy was the founder of the feminist journal Tholi. Reportedly critical of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam's guerilla tactics, she was abducted by the LTTE in 1991 and… More

Writers at Risk Database

Malaka Dewapriya

Playwright and filmmaker Dewapriya was reportedly interrogated by police for four hours in October 2019 after a Buddhist monk accused him of distorting Buddhist terminology in his radio series… More

Shakthika Sathkumara

Sathkumara was detained for four months in 2019 for his short story “Ardha," under claims that it promoted religious hatred and insult for its indirect references to homosexuality within… More