Apoorvanand Jha

On August 3, 2020, Jha, a Hindi professor known for his criticism of the Indian government's passing of the controversial 2019 Citizenship Amendment Act, was questioned for five hours… More

Sudha Bharadwaj

Sudha Bharadwaj

On August 28, 2018 Bharadwaj’s house was raided, and she was detained for ‘inciting violence’ as part of a coordinated series of politically-motivated arrests of activists in the Bhima-Koregaon… More

Sajid Soomro

Soomro was arrested on June 10, 2020, when dozens of police officers raided his home. Authorities filed a blasphemy case under the Pakistan Penal Code for Soomro’s writings that… More

Chai Xiaoming

Chai was detained on March 21, 2019 for publishing a politically sensitive article on Red Reference, a magazine where he worked as an editor. He was held for six… More

Chen Zhaozhi

Chen Zhaozhi, a scholar and online commentator, was detained in March 2020 for his online writings criticizing the government during COVID-19. His prolonged detention has placed Chen, who already… More

Du Bin

Du Bin

Filmmaker and writer Du Bin was detained for over a month beginning on December 16, 2020 for “picking quarrels and provoking trouble” ahead of the launch of his book… More

Geng Xiaonan

Publisher and political activist Geng, and her husband Qin Zhen, were detained in September 2020 on charges of “running an illegal business” operation following Geng’s public support of writer-scholar… More

Yang Licai

In December 2019, artist Yang Licai was arrested on charges of inciting disruption. His arrest was closely linked to posts he made online in support of Hong Kong protesters.… More

Zhang Wenfang

Zhang Wenfang posted poems about the Wuhan lockdown due to COVID-19. She was first detained on “picking quarrels and provoking trouble” and later sentenced to six months in prison… More

Zhang Xuezhong

Zhang Xuezhong was detained by police after he published a letter calling on the National People's Congress to draft a new constitution and criticized their handling of the COVID-19… More