Dawa Khan Menapal

A former journalist and presidential spokesperson, Menapal worked as the head of the Afghan government’s Media and Information Center and sought to form ties with the journalist community. Menapal… More

Writers at Risk Database

Nguyen Huu Vinh Anh Ba Sam

A former police officer, Vinh founded a popular blog dedicated to criticism of the government and circumvention of its internet firewall. In 2014, he was arrested for “baseless” and… More

Chan Thar Swe K Za Win

After spending over a year in prison for taking part in a 2015 rally for education reform, the activist and former Buddhist monk, known by his pen name K… More

Khet Thi

Khet Thi, a retired junior engineer, was an active participant in protests against the military junta in Myanmar. His dissident poems were widely renowned and on May 8, 2021… More

Tu Tu Tha

Tu Tu Tha is a novelist and journalist who was arrested on April 24, 2021 in a home raid by over 10 military soldiers. She was charged with “incitement”… More

Li Liqun Li Huizi

Li Liqun Li Huizi

Li Liqun was an esteemed blogger and writer well-known by his pen name Li Huizi who blogged about fairness and justice and wrote poetry. Li took his own life… More

Pham Chi Thanh Pham Thanh

A member of the Independent Journalists Association of Vietnam, Pham Thanh is the author of several books and essays critical of government leaders. He was arrested on May 21,… More

Mya Aye

Mya Aye

Mya Aye was surrounded at gunpoint and arrested on February 1, 2021, the first day of the coup. He was charged with “inciting ethnic hatred” using a 2014 email… More

Myint Myint Zin Daw Kyi Lin Aye

Poet and teacher Myint Myint Zin was killed on March 3, 2021 along with another poet, when police opened fire into the crowd at a demonstration in Monywa against… More

Myo Tazar Maung Tayzar

Poet, translator, and teacher Myo Tazar Maung was arrested on September 20, 2021, after he posted on Facebook expressing criticism regarding the military government. He was charged with… More