Best Translated Book Awards

Hosted by Chad W. Post Established writers and translators such as David Grossman and Susan Bernofsky go up against relative newcomers such as Julia Franck and Edward Gauvin in this… More

Tom Fleming: PEN President from 1971-1973

As the 90th anniversary of the founding of PEN American Center approaches, PEN checks in with former presidents, staff, and members to reflect on the past, present, and future… More

Hwang Sok-Yong Reads from The Old Garden

June 5, 1989: An unidentified man faces down a column of tanks a day after hundreds are massacred in Tiananmen Square. It is one of the most enduring images… More

We Remember You, Liu Xiaobo

PEN American President Kwame Anthony Appiah sends a message to Liu Xiaobo one year after he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. PEN and all of Liu Xiaobo's supporters… More


With Thomas Keenan, Geert Lovink, Ian Buruma, and David Rieff. All interesting conversation begins after the dinner-hour, and the WikiLeaks roundtable, which starts promptly at 9:15 p.m., is no exception.… More