On Translating Lutz Seiler

In calling forth his landscape’s life, in full awareness of both his literary and non-literary forebears, Lutz Seiler has re-contextualized and radically personalized German Naturlyrik for the 21st century,… More

in field latin

one evening / they came the dead of my house / back from the train-station. it was december & // their next train did not leave till march More

Funeral for a Dog

My bag in the back of the truck, the Antarctica bottles open, and we're off. David at the wheel of the red pickup, Felix in an open shirt and… More

Death in Venice

Gustav Aschenbach or von Aschenbach, as he had officially been known since his fiftieth birthday, set out alone from his residence in Munich’s Prinzregentenstrasse on a spring afternoon in… More

On Public Lives/Private Lives

Weihnachten Was würdest Du machen, wenn Weihnachten wär'und kein Engel würde singen.Es gäbe auch keine Geschenke mehr,kein >Süsser-die-Glocken-nie-kIingen<.Im Fernsehen hätte der NachrichtensprecherWeihnachten glatt vergessen,Und niemand auf der ganzen Weltwürde Nürnberger… More

On Public Lives/Private Lives

No poseo nada: ni casa, ni auto, ni habitación, ni una cama. Vivo de paso y de prestado.I own nothing: no house, no car, no room, not even a… More

Bwana Burton’s Binoculars

“Tell me, Baba Sidi, I’ve never understood, what exactly did you do on that journey?”“Good question.”“You didn’t carry…”“True.”“You didn’t fight…”“True.”“You didn’t cook…”“True.”“You didn’t wash clothes…”“There were others to do… More

Navid Kermani on Faith & Reason

Moritz Pollesch has a friend called Albrecht, who claims he is going to kill his nine-year-old son within two to three years. Although Moritz cannot imagine Albrecht would be… More