Eynulla Fatullayev Has Been Unfairly Tried

International PEN welcomes the April 22, 2010 decision of the European Court of Human Rights, which ruled unanimously that Eynulla Fatullayev’s 2007 convictions were contrary to his right freedom… More

Editor Missing in Veracruz

International PEN protests the disappearance of a third print journalist in Mexico this year. Evaristo Ortega Zárate, editor of the local newspaper Espacio, in Veracruz state, has been missing… More

Writer Detained

CHINA/TIBET International PEN is seriously concerned about the arrest of Tibetan writer Tagyal (pen name Shogdung) on April 23, 2010, after criticizing the authorities in an open letter. PEN fears… More

Journalist J. S. Tissainayagam Pardoned

International PEN welcomes the announcement on May 3, 2010, that Tamil journalist Jayaprakash Sittampalam (J. S.) Tissainayagam has received a presidential pardon. More