Five Poems

Transparent like a baby’s fingernail, / the broken column protects dead nerves. / My cat licks her paw and smack! your pudgy mass / jumps, blood escaping into jute… More

I Drink Bronze Light

Great American summer lakes/ right now I am flying above you / through a rare cloudless transparent sky / back to the city where it is always / cold… More

Three Poems

To be a mother is a poem and a problem— / this lady leaves her child by an orphanage door, / birth cord still clinging, her dark hair damp… More


I drive half-way across the bridge, / kill my engine and wait. / You told me ghosts will push / my car to the other end. More

Among the Splendors

As I read more of Adonis’s work over the years, in the original and in translation, I felt repeatedly that only a large of selection of work could give… More

Three Poems

I admit, / I’m an unnecessarily handsome / knockabout, nightly drunk to no apparent / effect. But, it’s nice to be worried about. / It’s almost like being cared… More