Letter to a Daughter

Dear Lori,Thank you for your latest. Do you remember about ten years ago when I was in the hospital with a kidney stone? I think I have them again. As… More


Missouri State Prison looks like it was pulled up by the roots and transplanted block by block, wall by wall, tower by tower, massive iron gate by gate from… More

Brother Oak

He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he… More

Horse the Caterpillar

In the world that I lived, I felt attached to its walls. These walls had no corners for there was no place to hide.In the beginning of this life… More

The Whitfeld Files

Author's Note This is a work of nonfiction. The descriptions of events are based on personal experiences of the author, court transcripts, affidavits, law enforcement documents, reports, and audiotaped interviews,… More

Buddhism in Prison

The Martha Stewart verdict is screaming from the headlines as I begin to write these lines. Martha used to be something of an idol to me. Before landing in… More

Journal of a Prisoner

October 27, 1998I began this day much like I begin every day here in prison. I woke at about 6 a.m. to pill call. I always wake up hearing… More

Hero of the Quotidian

It was in the golden, grasshopper-drenched spring of my eighth year that I first purposed to become a police officer, when I watched the grim-faced deputies arrest and carry… More

In Good Company

IntroductionThere are many different ways to experience life. One of the coldest and loneliest is to be homeless.Imagine yourself standing on the street as the temperature drops. Lights come… More

The Glove Compartment

For everyone in else in my family, the realization came gradually: a gesture here, a phrase there eventually added up to what they had seen all along but had… More