Case Histories: Nawal El Saadawi

Nawal El Saadawi, a psychiatrist and novelist writing in Arabic, is the author of more than 40 books, which have been translated, acclaimed, and awarded around the world. She delivered… More

The 1920s: PEN’s Founding and Early Years

Throughout the year, we’ll be celebrating PEN’s 90th anniversary by looking at the key events, cases, and characters from the organization’s history. As part of our online retrospective, we’ll… More

Unnatural Disasters

A reader’s mind is terraced by unwreckable geographies. No terrorist can bomb Kafka’s castle and its surrounding stone wend, no tornado can churn to dust O’Connor’s hot small towns.… More

An Island of Peace

Kings are in trouble. From presidents. The Buganda king is a waiter in London. Uganda is a picture on a map, shaped like the back of the bumpy head… More


In most fiction, the aim is to convey the reader to actual and imaginary places, often a mix of the two; and if such places are rendered vividly enough—readers… More

Streets of Pittsburgh

When I was twenty-two, a small design firm in Pittsburgh hired me to make maps. That I had landed such excellent employment despite being a college dropout with no… More