The Remnants

“If someone hasn’t eaten any, his breath doesn’t smell.” This on the pattern of the proverb about onions, the idea being that doubt was in order. “If her mouth weren’t… More


Grasshoppers sprang aside in her path as she walked, and thick stems of clover bowed devotedly, swept by the fringe of the long silk cloak; soft, pale yellow patches… More

The Golden Age

The IslandThe island is about twenty kilometres in diameter and lies in the Atlantic Ocean on the Tropic of Cancer between Cape Verde and the Canary Islands. In the… More

On Elegance While Sleeping

December 4, 18 …At birth, I felt the desire to correct the human tendency to feel fragile and imperfect. I’ve therefore sanctified my life to this sole endeavor. Logic… More


It can’t go on like this. There’s the smell of breaking up in the air of the apartment, like the smell of potatoes cooking. Noa puts on her tracksuit… More


One thought travels across that HD plasma in her mind.I am tired. 12 hour shifts to come home To work 12 hour shifts Those kiddies are her late night bosses. Brown paper bags… More

The Trade

Actually, she was certain. The test had been positive, and she’d done it twice. So in a way she’d known, but she hadn’t told anyone, not even Will. It… More

Pistachio, Down, and My Fat Uncle

After reading lots of Lydia DavisPISTACHIOI’m snacking and I find myself thinking: A pistachio is a bad parable. The ones that are easiest to open are also the tastiest.… More

Welcome to Tyosen™!

Welcome to the world of Tyosen™, a land of awesome magic and hair-raising adventure that you discover at your own speed, using the convenience of the postal service! A… More


1They lived, when he was growing up, in a simple house, an old bungalow with a converted attic and sides covered in cedar shake. In the back, where an… More