Time of Sky

1.Blood always bloodAs blue is blueIncessant explosion of a thirst-ripened orange2.A kiss on the fountain that grows pigeon-like anywhere upon the trembling mirror that exposes itself3.The innocent windowFlung inwardsAnd… More

American Sublime

We want Brasil but Brasil won’t win. Aden waves a desultory green and yellow flag. From the East to the West to the West to the East we scatter and settle and… More

On Being Lucky, or Not

Clover: “On Being Lucky, Or NotLet’s be honest: I have never beenparticularly fond of my mother,with her soft white skinand her crushing hugs, intent onswallowing me whole.let’s be real:… More

The Unspoken Stories of Those Who Cannot Speak

The Broken Shelf: Part 1: Disfigured HaikuLife as Broken ShelvesIs one without acknowledgementTreasured tales collapse.The Broken Shelf: Part 2: LimerickThe shelf reeked of knowledge and dustIts hefty insides were… More

Lara Croft

Lara CroftShe lies half sunken in the swamps of depression, her open jawsfull of complaint. sometimes lava flows. sometimes the cold ashsifts—of the Jewish Historical Institute archives,where once, sorting… More

The Book Of

the book of dip netting beaks, the book of mud probing beaks, the book of kissing as a form of knife sharpening, the book of lovers & the book of beloveds, the book… More